#by jorge cocco santangelo






Sometimes as a European you play an American game and even though you speak fluent English and culturally there’s not too much different you can Tell you’re missing some kind of cultural context

I had no fucking clue what a mormon was when I played the New Vegas DLCs

This post is not an invitation for you all to explain mormonism to me I am fine not knowing about this

[European voice] “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints? You mean like from Fallout?”

Go back to sleep honey Mormonism isn’t real

Exactly this.. I mean… I think I have heard about them in some american tv shows n such even prior playing Fallout:NV, but I thought they are either like…

1) maybe fictional 

2) just Jehovah’s Witnesses but american

3) that theres not that many of them, but they are absurd enough to be parodied so often they ended up a notorious part of american popculture or something… 
